Sonntag, 15. Juli 2007

TMTA - Faces

Das ist ein ATC entstanden für das Thema der Woche bei Think Monday - Think ATC

Hintergrund und Gestempeltes mit Archival Inks von Ranger.

5 Kommentare:

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Wunderschöne Farben und ein sehr interessantes Gesicht

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tolles Motiv und starke Farben

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Super, ist toll geworden.

ilse hat gesagt…


On the first and second of September, my friends and I, together with our Hobbyclub Retro, organise an exposition in the theme of ‘Travel around the world’.

But to make it a real ‘Travel around the world’, we ask your help. In our exposition we want to create a huge wall of ATC-cards. This is why we ask you: Who wants to trade ATC-cards with us?

The technique is completely free and if it’s possible, it would be nice if you would take your own country/region as your theme. It is not obliged to do this. We are happy with a little trade :-) The amount of ATC-cards can be chosen by yourself, and you will get the same amount in return.

If you want to help us, you can contact us on the following e-mailadresses: or

Hopefully we recieve some positive reactions and a wall of ATC-cards, wich we thank you for in advance.

With pleasant greetings, ilse

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juhu, ariane, schau auf meinen blog, du bist augezeichnet worden