Sonntag, 16. August 2009


6 Kommentare:

trisha too hat gesagt…

she is lovely!!

Lisa hat gesagt…

I have not been by in a while. Your work has taken a new direction! These are lovely paintings. Looks like you been doing them all your life! Beautiful!

Susanne hat gesagt…

Wie schööön, Ariane. LG SUSANNE

Anonym hat gesagt…

Beautiful and haunting!

Found your blog on the 2009 One World One Heart Giveaway list. I'm "Bon Blogging", a self-guided search through the OWOH list of 911 blogs in 90 days--inspired by watching the Julia/Julie movie. Come visit my blog
I write mysteries and make jewelry.
My mystery features a Madame President and is available on Amazon.

Amazing Gracie hat gesagt…

Such beautiful artwork!

Enkhe hat gesagt…

That is beautiful!
But where is your online shop?????